Labor Day

Been reflecting a little today about how a person’s job affects their life. When people are asked who they are, they often answer what they do for a living. Who am I? I am a television producer at a small PBS station in Urbana, IL.

Steve Irwin “the Crocodile Hunter” was killed today. He was doing a TV special and was killed by a stingray that he got too close to. It was said that he was killed the way he lived. That was his job. He lived on the edge. He also seemed to have had a good wife and kids. I hope the best for them.

Speaking of giving your life for something, six more soldiers were killed in Iraq. They are doing something that they believe in. I guess that I have always had respect for people who were willing to die for their country, but this war seems meaningless to me. I don’t know what we are trying to accomplish. It would be nice to have a goal, a plan, something that could justify the loss of life. (If there is a justification for the loss of life.)

Tiger Woods won his 5th tournament in a row. He is at the top of his game, perhaps the best to ever play the game. What does that mean for a life? Is sport important in the bigger picture of life. If you are the greatest at something, is that enough? Andre Agassi retired this weekend. I wonder what he will be up to for the rest of his life. Maybe he will use his notoriety in sport to make a difference in people lives.

I know that I would not want to die for my job, but I would like to think that at some point in my life I will be doing something that is more important than just me. Something that I would give my life for. Why are we here? Is it what you do for work? Or is having a good family what is most important? Maybe it is making a difference in peoples life. Making the world better in any way you can.

It makes me think about where I am in my life. I don’t have a job that matters, and I am not the best in my field. I don’t have a wife and kids. My good friends from my past are all over the world, and I don’t get to see them often. Sometimes thoughts like these get me down, but for some reason today I am just feeling like I have a lot left to do.

Who am I? I am not sure yet, but hopefully it is a lot more than just a television producer at a small PBS station in Urbana, IL.