Final Cut Pro, Snow, New People, New Places

Went to the Final Cut Pro User Group holiday party tonight. Didn’t win any prizes, but had a good time and met some fun people.

Met an interesting guy named Coulter Mitchell. He is working on a documentary about oil drilling in Alaska. Looks like it is going to be a good project. I really admire people who do something for causes that they believe in.

Here is their trailer:

After drinking a little at Goose Island. Coulter and his girlfriend took me to a place close to my house called Kuma’s Corner. Good Heavy Metal music and Chicago’s best burgers. I tried one and thought that it was very good, but I don’t know if I will proclaim them the best yet. I do like that the name comes from the Japanese word for bear. Bears are my favorite animal.

We got a couple of inches of snow tonight. I walked the few blocks home from Kuma’s and enjoyed the new snow. Don’t know what it is that I love so much about a fresh blanket of snow. It just feels so nice and clean.