
What is the best thing about today?
Why are you bothering me?
If you were a tree, would you let me climb you?
Man, your band rocks. What is it like to Rock?
How many pecks of pickled peppers would Peter Piper pick?
What is your favorite color?
Funny haha, or funny queer?
What is your favorite band?
Drunk enough, or should I buy you another?

I got my comments section working, so I thought that I would ask a few questions, so you the non-existant reader could play along too. Fee free to answer any/all of these questions. You may also ask questions, that I may answer on a latter blog.

One thought on “Questions”

  1. so i wrote this clever comment the other night. but then i thought it wasn’t that clever. so i quit.

    but i feel bad that nobody comments, so now i don’t care if my cleverness isn’t all that sharp.

    so my unclever comment went something like this.

    “Your band rocks. How does it feel to rock?”
    I assume that this is a Charlie Rose interview, so I will answer appropriate.

    Thanks for having me, Charlie. First of all, I’m not in a band. Did you fire that research assistant yet? Despite not being in a band, I do indeed rock. And it feels pretty good to rock.

    um. that’s about it. lameness ensues.

    and what’s up with the sucks ass football team. oh my god.

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