Bad Vibrations

Is there something going on with the world? It seems like people around me (and me) have been having short tempers lately. I was just talking to Virginia and she said that people around her were the same way. I wonder if this is a sign that something bad is about to happen.

It could be that I am just getting sick. My roommate has been very sick the last few days. I am feeling a little bit of something, but I have been taking extra vitamins in hopes of beating it before it becomes anything.

2 thoughts on “Bad Vibrations”

  1. Take echinacea if you think you’re getting sick. that always works for me. But take like 4 at a time… one at a time won’t do much.

    Also, get some zicam … that stuff works GREAT!

    Hope that you start to feel better soon.

  2. there is absolutely something wrong with the universe right now. i have attributed it to the following factors, acting in concert.

    1. lunar eclipse
    2. leap year
    3. the ides of march came two weeks early. which i think is totally possible, given the differences over time from the roman calendar and our calendar. (unless we ARE on the roman calendar. i’m not sure. still).
    4. winter. i think we’re at the point in winter (especially THIS winter) where it just needs to back the fuck off. (is fuck a mature and responsible word? i think so). cabin fever. stir crazy. whatever that winter sadness disorder is called.

    but i totally agree. there’s some weird shit goin down lately. nearly all of it bad. one might even say terrible. horrible. horrendous. catastrophic.

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