Happy Veteran’s Day. We owe a lot to the men and women who have fought to make our country what it is. It pains me to see all of the bad news coming out of Iraq. The kids over there are doing their best in horrible conditions, but I am not sure that there is a purpose. We are screwed if we stay there and screwed if we leave. It was a mistake to go there in the first place, but what do we do now? This country has gotten a little to political for my liking. Instead of real conversations about an important issue, everyone just takes sides according to party lines. There is no real taking or thinking about what the best solution to the problems are. Any candidate that talked like that would go down in defeat pretty quickly. Sad.
All posts by Brian Paris
Made it
Finished up with Bartending today. Took the test and passed everything. 95% on both the timed drink making and on the written part. Screwed up a coffee drink and a garnish. Should have studied a little more for the written, but I did well anyway.
Now comes the finding a job part. Not as much fun.
Probably no movie tonight. I think that I just want to catch up on some sleep. I need to get back into my routine.
Drinking Songs
Last of the party goers just left. I had a really good time tonight, and I think that most everyone else did too. There was a lot of drinking, but no one got out of control. It was a pretty perfect night. We will have to do it again sometime.
I had music improv this morning. We focused on comedic song writing today. I learned a lot, and even wrote my first song. It will definitely be a useful skill to have. I hope to take the more advance writing in the future.
I am going to sleep for some much needed rest. Hopefully I won’t be too hung over tomorrow.
Party Tomorrow (Sat)
Going to have to practice my drink making, so I thought that I would have some people over. If you know me and want to come over, give me a call and I will give you details.
Be Kind, Rewind
Another long day that ends in drunkenness.
Bar class went well. Learned what was in a Rum and Coke. Forgot to mention yesterday that I did well on the timed test. I made a Mai Tai with Pineapple instead of OJ though. That was the only mistake. Can’t believe I messed that up.
Improv was really fun today. Dan has been missing the last couple of weeks and it really showed. He adds a lot to the class, so it was great to have him back.
Writing class was different tonight. We had a sub, Glenn (with two n’s). He definitely had a different approach. He came off as kind of bothered by being there. Not sure that he really thought much of us. We flew through the reads, which left a lot of time for instruction. It was nice to have more information for next weeks writing assignment. I do like Nancy, but sometimes I think she forgets that we are all looking for teaching. Sometimes a little explanation helps us with our concepts.
Went over to Corcorans again. It is always good to see how other people think the class went. I do feel that the mood of the class is changing a little since we left Andy. I will be interested to see who makes it through. It was great to have Chris over with us tonight. He suggested an Alabama Slammer for me. Tasty drink with a lot of alcohol. I had a few other drinks with that, and got a little (lot) drunk. Richard Kind, of Spin City fame, came in after the main stage show let out. When Chris went up to talk to him, he was a little busy, but later came by our table and said, “Hi.” Seemed like a really nice guy. I think that I even offered him a seat, but I don’t think the idea of talking to a drunk guy was really how he wanted to spend his evening. Always thought that he was a fun actor, but I think higher of him now that I have seen him up close.
Sweet Dreams
Went to the Music Improv show last night at Second City. Started with a sketch show by the graduating music improv people called, Sweet Dreams are Made of Keys. It was fun to see these guys put it all into their singing. Some were great singers, and some were just OK, but they all played it through great characters. Crowd had a really good time. The regular music improv group followed up with a 20 minute improv show. They were a lot of the same games that I have seen elsewhere, but with the added benefit of singing. Everything is better if it is sung.
In other news, I just woke up from a couple hour nap. I am still tired, so I am thinking about going back to sleep. I think the lack of sleep is finally taking me out. Hopefully I will have some sweet dreams.
Terrified of Singing
Started my Intro to Music class today. Did some basic voice stuff. I was terrified. I don’t know why but the act of singing freaked me out a little. I have never done any singing in my life, so I was a little out of my league. I knew that going in, and wasn’t really worried about it. I have sucked at things in my life, and I don’t really mind making a fool of myself at the drop of a hat. For some reason this was different. Just got tight in my chest, a little trouble breathing, and a shiver all over. Terrifying, but a little exciting at the same time.
Feeling Better
I was very sick yesterday. Don’t know if it was a flu type thing, too much drinking after lunch, or maybe a blood sugar crash, but I was very sick last night. Woke up this morning a tired, but not feeling too bad.
Bartending class went well. Cut up fruit, talked about customer service, and did a few speed drills on drinks that we have learned so far. I still have some memorizing to do, but I am getting faster. This week is 10 drinks in 10 minutes. Shouldn’t be a problem. The last week is 15 drinks in 10 min, so that might be more difficult. We shall see.
Happy Halloween
Not many people were dressed up when I was out today. I didn’t go out to any clubs or anything though. Maybe it would have been different out there tonight. Not really a holiday person myself, but Halloween would probably be my favorite if I had to pick.
Hitting the sack early tonight. I need to catch up on some much needed sleep.
Bar Talk
Writing didn’t go so well today. No one had anything great. There were a few laughs, but nothing close to what the class has the potential to put out. My sketch fell way short. There were a couple of good suggestions to make it better, but I am not even sure if I want to try to fix this one.
Went out to the bar afterwards. We came to a few conclusions. First, I am funny as hell, and everyone else sucks. Next, Scottie Pippen sucks. Then it was concluded that I was the Scottie Pippen of comedy. I am not sure how all of those conclusions work with each other, but maybe I was drinking a little.
Sleep is killing me right now. I am only getting about five hours a night. I am having fun, but getting wore out.