Met with Tim, my boss today. He was back from Holiday and wanted to welcome me to Doha, and talk a little about what I would be doing in the next couple of weeks. There is a lot to be done, and I am excited to get started. He and a few other co-workers went out for a little welcome lunch. It was a nice way to start things off.
Got my id badge/keycard today. It allows me to get into the parking garage and all of the rooms that I need to get into. Turns out that I really do need a badge if I want to get around. Since my badge is working, I will be able to drive myself to work tomorrow. I am sure Ivana is happy that she doesn’t have to drive me to work now.
Went to the grocery store after work and picked up some much needed food. I didn’t do much experimenting, just stuck to the basics. I just wanted to get started. I got home and found out that my milk was spoiled. That was nasty. Glad that I have stuff to eat again. It wasn’t that bad getting there either. Ivana showed me an easy way to get in through the back roads. Map was a little off on this one though. The city is growing so quickly that the maps aren’t able to keep up.