
Down in Champaign again. Went to dinner with Chris at the Cowboy Monkey. It was a beautiful night. The breeze kept it enjoyable. The show is really coming along. We should have a product by next month.

Jason Pankoke came by and we sat and talked for awhile. He seems to have some interesting projects going on now. After a beer, we went over to Esquire for some darts. Reminded me of old friends. I used to go to the Esquire all of the time with Julia. We would get some food and play some darts. Michael Roth was usually there, and we would talk with him for a while. His passing really hit me hard. He was a really good guy, and I was glad to have known him.

Jason won 2 of 3 games of darts. My dart game has really gone to shit in the last 5 years or so. We played a fourth game for shits and giggles. I won that one, so I got both the shits and the giggles. Much better than winning the real match. 🙂